Give an overview of the information products and services of OCLC ?

OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) offers a range of information products and services that support libraries and their users. Here is an overview of some of their key offerings:

1. WorldCat: WorldCat is a comprehensive database of information about library collections from around the world. It allows libraries to contribute, enhance, and share bibliographic data, connecting people to cultural and scholarly resources in libraries worldwide.

2. WorldShare Management Services (WMS): WMS is a fully integrated library services platform designed to meet the changing needs of modern libraries. It provides actionable data and an experience designed with the user in mind, helping libraries work smarter and collaborate better.

3. QuestionPoint: QuestionPoint is an around-the-clock reference service provided to users by a cooperative of participating global libraries. It offers live webinars, on-demand courses, and webinars to help library staff and volunteers enhance their skills.

4. OCLC Support: OCLC provides extensive documentation, troubleshooting instructions, and other materials to support users of their products and services. They also have a collaborative space called the OCLC Community Center for users to connect with peers and gain additional product insights.

5. APIs: OCLC offers APIs that are used by libraries and partners to access information, enhance and customize services, manage libraries, and aid in the classification and sharing of library resources. These APIs are used millions of times every day.

6. Data Security: OCLC places a strong emphasis on data security and privacy. They have experienced staff with backgrounds in libraries, higher education, and security-conscious industries who work to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

7. Membership and Governance: OCLC’s membership and governance expanded in 2022 to include any institution with a subscription to one of their qualifying products. This change reflects OCLC’s commitment to sharing knowledge and collaborating with libraries worldwide.



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