State and explain Hess Law of constant Heat summation

State and explain Hess Law of constant Heat summation ?

Answer : Hess Law: ” The total heat change in a reaction is the same,whether the chemical reaction is the same,whether the chemical reaction takes place in a single step or in serveral steps “.

It is based on the Ist law of thermodynamics.

Hess Law of constant Heat summation

Explanation : Consider a reaction A—->D.

Suppose that D is formed from A in two different paths. Path ① and Path ②

Path ①:  ​ A → D, ΔH
Total heat change in path ①=ΔH

Path ②:  A → B : ΔH1​

 B→C :ΔH2

​ C→D: ΔH3​​

Total heat change in path ② is


Now ,from the Hess law,we have
ΔH = ΔH12 +ΔH3

3) Example:

Path :

           C(graphite) ​+O2( g)​→CO2( g​)  ;   ΔH=−393.5KJ mol-1

Path :

          C(graphite) ​+1/2O2( g)​→CO(g)​;  ΔH1​=−110.5KJ

          CO(g)​+1/2O2( g)​→CO2​( g) ;    ΔH2​=−283.02KJmol-1

       Total heat change in path②  =ΔH1​+ΔH2

​       =(−110.5)+(−283.02)=−393.52KJ

Thus ΔH=ΔH1​+ΔH2​. Hence the Hess law is proved


                                   PROBLEMS IN Hess Law

1. The enthalpies of formation CO (g), CO2 ​(g), N2​O (g) and N2​O4​ (g) are − 110, − 393, 81 and 9.7 KJ/mol, respectively. Find the value of ΔH for the reaction.

N2​O4​ (g) + 3 CO → N2​O (g) + 3 CO2 ​(g).

Answer: ΔHo = ΔHo(products) ​− ΔHo(reactants)

ΔH ​= 3 ΔCO2 ​+  ΔN2​O ​− 3 ΔCO ​− Δ N2​O4​

​ΔH ​= 3 × (−393) + (81) − 3 × (−110) − (9.7)

ΔH ​= − (777.7) KJ​/mol

2.. Calculate the enthalpy change for the following reaction:

CH​(g) + 2 O2 ​(g) ⟶ CO2 ​(g) + 2 H2​O (l).

Given that enthalpies of formation of CH4, CO2 and H2​O are 74.8 kJmol−1,− 393.5 kJ mol−1, and − 286 kJmol−1, respectively.

Answer: ΔHo = ΔHo(products) ​− ΔHo(reactants)

ΔHo = [ΔHo(CO2) ​+ 2 X ΔHo(H2O)] − [ΔHo(CH4) + 2 X ΔHo(O2)​]

ΔHo = [− 393.5 + 2 X (−286.2)] − [−74.8 + 2 X 0]

ΔHo = − 393.5 – 572.4 + 74.8

ΔHo = − 891.1 kJ/mol

Hess’s Law Quiz

Hess’s Law Quiz

1. What does Hess Law state?
2. Which of the following is true about enthalpy according to Hess’s Law?



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